Sometimes, a bride chooses to buy gifts for her bridesmaids to show her affection and thanks for their support on her wedding day. We have seen all sorts of presented from bracelets mad from Sheffield cutlery to pictures, matching bracelets, and lots of others too. A lovely part of the "getting ready" segment of the day for us is when the bride passes these gifts to her bridesmaids to open. These can be a wonderful and emotional time and make for some wonderful picture taking opportunities for us as we capture the moments as they unfold. The moments we capture are there forever for our couples to enjoy with the added benefit that the other half of the couple get to see the times they were not there for and to relive the emotion with their new spouse.
Some couples are reluctant to have the "getting ready" part of the day photographed or perhaps think it doesn't warrant recording. We really believe this to be an important time and it is after all a big part of the day, this is the last few hours in the life of someone single before their wedding ceremony and they become married and part of a couple!
Keywords: bridesmaids (18), Cressbrook Hall (23), Derbyshire (80), getting ready (53).