First Kiss
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First Kiss

Ceremony completed and the couple are now married as seen here in this wedding album double page spread. The bride kisses her new husband following their wedding at the Kenwood Hall Hotel in Sheffield during this lovey summer wedding ceremony. The first kiss is one of the images every couple wants to see in their image collection from their wedding day and it is always one we strive to get for them. We think this is probably one of the big moments for the wedding guests too judging by the reception this act usually receives!

Kenwood Hall Hotel Wedding Photography

We will almost always bring two photographers to a wedding ceremony. The second photographer is able to capture pictures of the action from other angles as was shown on the previous page of this album. At larger weddings they are also able to rove around and get pictures of some of the other things occurring on a wedding day that one photographer working along might miss. For the first kiss the second photographer is able to photograph the couple side on from the back of the room giving a range of different images for the couple to choose from.

The Kenwood Hall Hotel is located in Sheffield, South Yorkshire, UK on Kenwood Road, S7 1NQ. Their Website can be found at

Keywords: bride and groom together (118), ceremony (11), Kenwood Hall Hotel (151), kiss (11), Sheffield (190).