Groom and Best Man
Sier Photography
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Groom and Best Man

In this series of images, the bride enters the wedding ceremony room arm in arm with her father as the emotional groom awaits her arrival supported by his best man. The couple then meet for the first time on the wedding day and greet each other with a kiss. These parts of the wedding day can be highly emotionally charged as the culmination of what has sometimes been years of planning for the wedding has finally arrived, right here in this place, at this moment in time!

The best man has a number of roles on a wedding day, firstly, to get the groom to the wedding in in a fit state to get married, to carry the rings if there isn't a ring bearer, to make a speech about the groom, but also to act as moral support for the groom during what can be an emotional time. Showing emotion on a wedding day is a wonderful thing to see when you marry the person you cannot live without and it shows the wedding means something to you and that you care.

Kenwood Hall Wedding Ceremony Photography

It is an amazing privilege for us to photograph the wedding of a couple, a unique moment in time where two soles pledge their love for each other. No matter how emotional the participants in the ceremony, and no matter how emotional this might make us feel (and sometimes it really does hit a nerve), we need to maintain a discrete detachment for the wedding ceremony and delicately take as many pictures of the couple and their ceremony as required to be able to retell the story at a later date. That is what we do, we are not just photographers or artists, we are telling the story of the wedding day through our photographic images, captured on a wedding day.

The Kenwood Hall Hotel is located in Sheffield, South Yorkshire, UK on Kenwood Road, S7 1NQ. Their Website can be found at

Keywords: ceremony (11), Kenwood Hall Hotel (151), Sheffield (190), wedding album (50).