Images totally unrelated to Wedding Photography but following the decision by Apple to discontinue support of Aperture 3 (thanks Apple!) I like many have been testing out a number of image editing software alternatives. The above image was quite fun to produce from a very ordinary looking capture and shows the power of some of the applications currently on the market even if it doesn’t really reflect typical wedding day image! These are all from 2008 prior to the demolition of the towers at Tinsley. I still miss seeing them every time I pass that way, to be fair the concrete was breaking down with some sizeable pieces missing but…
The final picture below is a scan from a print I have of some of the original builders of one and possibly all of the seven cooling towers that once stood at Tinsley. The two towers demolished in 2008 shown above in my pictures were numbers 6 and 7 built between 1937 and 1938, it is just possible that one of these gentlemen is still around though they will be in their late 90’s at least. If anyone knows who any of these gentlemen in the picture are I’d be interested to hear from you.

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