Best Sheffield Wedding Venue
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Best Sheffield Wedding Venue

Most of the time images look stunning in colour with the colours of the subject or of the environment really making the image stand out and sing. Sometimes, the lack of colour can make the image have even more impact and the lack of what might be seen as the distraction of the colours brings the details or the message the image is telling stand out even more strongly. In this image the colours of the room were a big distraction with the curtains being a strong and dominating colour and distracting from the subject of the photograph, the bride in her wedding dress.

Kenwood Hall Wedding Photographer

This photograph was taken at the Kenwood Hall Hotel in Sheffield in 2014 and shows the bride looking back over her shoulder as she stands in front of a large window overlooking the hotel grounds. As indicated above, the curtains and the decor in this room at the time were not ideal and the use of black and white for the picture removed the distraction of the (then) colours of the room. Since this picture was taken, the room has been decorated at least once and is now sports and amazing, bright and beautiful colour scheme.

Kenwood Hall Hotel is located in Sheffield, South Yorkshire, UK on Kenwood Road, S7 1NQ. Their Website can be found at

Keywords: bridal portrait (18), Kenwood Hall Hotel (151). 1/125; f/5.0; ISO 2200; 35.0 mm.