One of the key images of a wedding day to be included in the list of photographs is the recessional (the walk back down the aisle by the bride and groom following the wedding ceremony), this can also be one of the most tricky to capture! Frequently the isle is narrow, there are excited guests wanting to speak to and congratulate the happy couple as well as a sea of mobile phones vying for the chance to capture an image of the couple. This can sometimes be a hindrance to us as we are trying to photograph the happy couple, not the numerous screens of wedding guests smartphones!
Kenwood Hall Hotel is located in Sheffield, South Yorkshire, UK on Kenwood Road, S7 1NQ. Their Website can be found at
Keywords: aisle (2), Kenwood Hall Hotel (151), wedding ceremony (14). 1/125; f/4.5; ISO 1100; 38.0 mm.