Victoria Quays Wedding Photography
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Victoria Quays Wedding Photography

At some point during a wedding day, we like to spend a little time with our couple to undertake some couples wedding day portraits. The image above is from one of these sessions and was taken following the wedding ceremony and wedding breakfast at the wonderful Royal Victoria Hotel in Sheffield. We spent around half an hour walking around the area surrounding the hotel taking pictures of our couple as we went. This particular photograph was taken on the Victoria Quays which are only a couple of minutes’ walk from the Royal Victoria Hotel. The area is steeped in history and contains some beautiful architecture of the kind seldom seen today except in the areas where it has been properly preserved.

Victoria Quays Wedding Photography

We have photographed couples in and around the Victoria Quays on wedding day before. The area has a number of hotels offering weddings and wedding receptions and the quays and the surrounding area offer some really pleasing buildings to incorporate into wedding day photography. The quays were originally constructed in the early 1800's and were in operation for cargo until as recently as the 1970's but then fell into disrepair. Fortunately, common sense shone through and the area which contains a number of Grade II listed buildings underwent extensive restoration and is now part way at least to being as amazing as it probably was when first constructed (and probably a lot cleaner!).

Keywords: bride & groom portrait (75), bride and groom together (117), Royal Victoria Hotel (4), Sheffield (192), Victoria Quays (2). 1/100; f/3.5; ISO 2000; 160.0 mm.