This wedding day image taken at Burbage Edge in Derbyshire in the late summer of 2019 was captured at a rather unusual time during the wedding day. We are normally required to take photographs of the couple together following their wedding ceremony as tradition in the UK goes that the couple shouldn't see each other on the day of the wedding until they meet at the ceremony. the situation is different in most other parts of the world where the couples frequently have a "first look" before going off to joint their families and friends for the ceremony. This was the first time we had photographed a wedding day in this order in the UK so certainly something different for us.
Our bride was from Sheffield but her groom was from Switzerland where weddings take a slightly different format. Unlike our weddings in the UK, there is no compulsion for the bride and groom to avoid each other before the ceremony. There are not normally any speeches though there were on this occasion mainly for the benefit of the UK side of the operation. There wasn't a first dance either and with the photographs taken before the ceremony it made for a very unusual wedding day for us but one that we really enjoyed. Our happy couple now reside in Switzerland where they had a second wedding ceremony for the benefit of the wedding guests who were unable to make it over to Sheffield.
Keywords: bride and groom together (118), Burbage, Derbyshire (80). 1/400; f/8.0; ISO 100; 24.0 mm.