As wedding photographers working in and around Sheffield since 2005 who have covered hundreds of weddings, it is always nice to discover some new little gem of a wedding venue. One such new venue for us was Saint Vincent's Church in the Crookes in Sheffield. What a wonderful church this is, light, bright and airy, a truly wonderful atmosphere, a lovely venue, and a fantastic day out with some amazing people at this traditional catholic wedding service. We have photographed many church services but this one at Saint Vincent’s did seem a rather lovely service.
Following the wedding ceremony at Saint Vincent's the bride, groom and guests all moved on to Kenwood Hall Hotel for the wedding breakfast. This was followed by games for the children in the hotel grounds and later dancing and partying well into the evening. The Kenwood Hall Hotel is one of my all-time favourite locations for wedding photography, the grounds are vast and exceptionally well-tended offering excellent opportunities to capture many images of the bride and groom in and amongst the beautiful scenery all of which is less than a mile from the centre of Sheffield.
We took the opportunity to take the almost compulsory photograph by the Kenwood Hall lake which is situated in the magnificent 12 acres of grounds, plus lots of other images as we strolled around with the very happy couple on their wedding day. There was a wonderful party with a Ceilidh band and dancing late into the evening, lovely people at a lovely wedding.
Kenwood Hall Hotel is located in Sheffield, South Yorkshire, UK on Kenwood Road, S7 1NQ. Their Website can be found at
Keywords: bridal party (6), church wedding (28), Sheffield (190), St Vincents Crookes. 1/320; f/4.5; ISO 100; 85.0 mm.